Author Spotlight: Staci HartWriter Staci HartMay’s Spotlight Author is Staci Hart the self- published author of The Good Gods series. Deer in Headlights is the first book in the series. I wasn’t expecting to like DIH but writer Hart’s writing made the characters. What worked in adaptation “the gods” weren’t haughty and imposing as the

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Water Waltz by Hayley B. JamesMore than anything, despite the adult theme I was drawn to the story. A world where angels and demons are in love with each other is silicious even blasphemy. Given what you’re taught in Sunday school, demons bad, angels good, and the two shall never meet in between. But that

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Cry Wolf by Patricia BriggsCry Wolf picks up from right where the prequel, Alpha and Omega 0.5 On The Prowl : A Companion Novella to Cry Wolf, leaves off. I’m a big fan of Patricia Briggs books and when I discovered her spinoff series Alpha and Omega  I was intrigued. I always wanted to see more of

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The Cabinet of Earths by Anne NesbetWe are introduced to Maya, her family, the mysterious cabinet of earths, and the curse that is part of her family history. Maya a Lavirottes her  character is plain and quite unremarkable and whiny at the start of the book she’s comparing herself constantly to her five year old

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Today we are sharing a cover reveal for Green Fire in the Night Sky a Science Fiction and Mystery Thriller from Lathish Shankar. The book has just realeased so if you like what you see so far make sure you click this link to view the full cover on Amazon.

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Witch Blood by Anya BastWitch Blood was a great bit of escapism for a couple hours I forgot about the annoyances of my life and just got lost in Isabelle’s world. Thwarted by  Thomas the leader of the witches’ coven catches her in the act of trying to separating a warlock’s life from his body.

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