The Ocean at The End Of The Lane by Neil Gaiman  After I finished The Ocean at The End Of The Lane I did’t know where to begin to review it. Words like  nostalgic, haunting, beautiful come to mind. Set in the English country side in this beautiful town-quiet creepy some what isolated and lonely. The nameless

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Chike And The River by Chinua Achebe The image of a young boy standing in water. The art work caught my eye across a crowded library. And began my journey into Chike’s world. As I read I fell in love with Chike he reminded of many a young eleven year old right on cusp of adolescence but still

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The Island of Excess by Francesca Lia Block  The Island of Love and Excess was an interesting read. It wasn’t your regular dystopian novel. But smart with rich dialogue and flawed characters. Begs to ask the question if there was a major global catastrophe how would you react as a survivor. And how different would you

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Fates by Lanie BrossFates is a well written book descriptive with a compelling concept. I was intrigued by writer Bross’s idea of fate and the world in which Corinthe came from. Which I must confess was the reason I was originally drawn to this book. But the spell was broken all to soon as it

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Fat Angie by E.E Charlton TurjilloFat Angie is penned from the perspective of  a rich wonderfully flawed character, who happens to be bullied by her class mates. F.A is very relatable. That the reader can identify with her on some scale be it small or her situation in its entirety. Writer Turjillo takes you into F.A

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Origin by Jennifer L. Armentrout Origin is the fourth book in the Lux series by writer Jennifer L Armentrout. I haven’t read the previous books in the series. And  I’ll admit the cover pulled me in. Pretty covers notwith standing I was pleasantly surprised. Books in this particular genre (aliens) aren’t usually my cup of earl grey.

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